Set Day Today
Contacts & Companies
The "Set Day Today" function, a pivotal feature within PocketKnife, redefines how you manage dates on HubSpot contact and company records. This dynamic capability empowers you to set today's date on these records, enabling you to trigger workflows and simulate scheduled actions – a feat otherwise exclusive to HubSpot Operations Professional.
Key Functionality
Automated Date Updation: The "Set Day Today" function automatically updates the date properties on HubSpot contact and company records. This ensures that these records reflect the current day, facilitating accurate and timely engagement.
Workflow Simulation: By altering date properties, you can simulate workflow triggers, enabling you to orchestrate actions that respond to date changes without the need for HubSpot Operations Professional.
Use Cases:
Timely Workflows: Utilize the "Set Day Today" function to simulate scheduled workflows for contacts and companies. For instance, initiate specific actions on a certain date, such as sending follow-up emails or launching targeted campaigns.
Data Enrichment: Keep date properties up to date for accurate reporting, personalized communication, and effective decision-making.
Event Management: Automatically update date fields to indicate event participation, ensuring accurate tracking of attendance and follow-up actions.
Contractual Deadlines: Set today's date on contract-related records to trigger reminders for contract renewals or expirations.
Campaign Sequencing: Simulate a sequence of events by altering date properties, ensuring timely steps in multi-stage campaigns.
In essence, the "Set Day Today" functionality in PocketKnife empowers you to harness date manipulation to drive workflows and simulate scheduled actions. By ensuring that your HubSpot contact and company records are in sync with the current day, this feature facilitates precise engagement and strategic automation.
Practical example:
Send your clients a daily email with the current market price for metal
- Create a contact list of the clients who want/need to get this daily email
- Setup the feature Set Day of Today (Contact) in your PocketKnife app
- select the contact list
- choose the frequency of the cron setting
- click add list to confirm
- the date property [ls_today] will be automatically created into your HubSpot portal
- Create a contact-based workflow to send your daily email with the current market price for metal
- choose enrollment trigger type When an event occurs
- choose enrollment trigger CRM Property changed
- select property ls_today is known
- activate re-enrollment trigger
- add the daily email you want to sent to your clients
- Review and publish your workflow. Ready!

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